Dear Diary,

I’ll speak for myself to say my intellect is haunted by many monsters that I battle with on a regular basis. From intrusive thoughts to self-sabotage and sometimes the inability to carry out responsibilities that are meant for my improvement. I always regard these shortfalls as areas in my life that demand my attention and I grant myself leniency considering the fact that I’m just at the beginning of my uprising. 

I am confronted at times by the fear of being misunderstood and this inflicts a sense of reluctance to expose my thoughts and experiences to a world that is always ready to ridicule. Either ways I am steadfast in the exposure of my internal monologue through this platform and this is one of the times I feel I carried out the main purpose of my brainchild. This text is an attempt to inspire confidence in the expression of your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Sometimes an exaggeration of the extent of judgement and scrutiny that might fall on us when we express ourselves creates a barrier between the physical and mental. This barrier manifests as feelings unsaid, ideas unexpressed and dreams abandoned. Summoning the bravery to have a voice in a loud, thunderous world instills a sense of confidence in your convictions and creates a drive towards your ambitions. Now all of a sudden you’re ready to take on the world.

To be in a state of freedom of expression is not always natural, at times the courage comes as a victory after a battle of the mind. I have allowed myself to find direction in the rhythm of my thoughts and I wish the same for every soul that reads this.

Consider this a celebration of self, the continuous mastery of expression.


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