The Inauguration: Embark with me

I am really proud of myself at this point because to me the realisation of this idea is actual proof that all the work that I’ve been putting into myself hasn’t been in vain. This is a very giant leap of growth and I'm adamant that it is the beginning of a cascade of many wonderful and meaningful thoughts and ideas that are all building up to my ultimate success. My blog will mainly be about wellness and positivity, amongst a variety of topics. I am choosing this theme because having a positive outlook has utterly been the theme of my life and I have reaped so many benefits from just having positive thoughts on a daily basis. I simply started being mindful about my positivity and focusing it on specific aspects of myself and man has it yielded some really great results. I look and feel significantly better, from the mere act of telling myself everyday that I am beautiful. I want to share these sentiments with other people. 

Positivity is a really phenomenal booster of confidence, and its like you are sending out signals into the universe and the minute they are received they start manifesting into your reality. It’s crazy how all of this works, one would think it’s a complex mechanism, but its really simple and straightforward. Whatever you think is ultimately what you become. I want this blog to be a vessel for that fundamental principle of attraction through positive thoughts. I am truly excited for this and I cannot wait to share all my insights. This journey for me has been very prudent, the instant I decided to create and cultivate a positive mental environment for myself everything else in my life just followed suit. It is a very liberating feeling to gravitate towards the natural intuition that is deeply rooted in our subconscious brain, that little guy in there is the ultimate know-it-all, give him a chance and he’ll give you the world in return.

I am looking forward to sharing my personal experiences and thoughts on this platform, which will be open to everyone for constructive discussions and groundbreaking connections. I intend to scrutinize the concept of positivity in its broadest sense, touching on interesting things like mindfulness, the brain science behind all this, cosmic conversations, spirituality and some controversies around it. This should be fun and uplifting. I am Happy 😃


Lelo said…
Friend, i enjoyed reading this it is so good continue working hard. I admire your determination when you strongly believe in doing something I am proud of you.🥺
luv u😘😘😘
Tindeidre said…
It’s happening 😭❤️

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