The Knowing

I reckon we all want to find ourselves on a path of life that nurtures our deepest and truest sources of joy. The ascension towards living such a life manifests through self-realization, a lack thereof breeds confusion and an absence of purpose. You find yourself dwelling in a place of uncertainty with a constant back and forth of the mind, in the hopes of finding what is meant for you. A flood of questions linger. What am I good at? What naturally makes me happy? What are my limits? This curiosity elicits a search within yourself. You dig deep until a moment of glory visits. Behold! A realization of who you really are and what works for you. The things that align with you become clear as day. What you are meant to do becomes intuitive knowledge. You just know.   

The difference between being stuck in a loop of obscurity and knowing what you want to do lies in the very essence of getting to know yourself. Before I had an evident idea of what I'm passionate about I wasn't religiously in touch with myself. It's easy to just live and let the days construct your identity. Becoming aware of yourself is like meeting a new person and building a friendship. This happens through active observations, introspection and a great deal of reflection. I went on a journey that opened me up to parts of myself that I never knew existed. I took my time to understand my habits and behavior and I just couldn't get enough. The more I become acquainted with myself the clearer my mind becomes. My well of self-knowledge is filling, more and more each day and this is leading me to revelations and prophecies of myself. All the answers I've been looking for have started to hit me like a ton of bricks and it's these little moments of realization that bring good fortune and assurance. A reward for looking within. 

Like a compass pointing north, understanding myself has become a guiding light, helping me navigate the depths of my identity. Each distance traveled sprouts a new meaning for my life. Knowing yourself is enlightening.  


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