
Unpacking personality: The ego

It  is  quite evident that there is some form of awareness that accompani es  our ability to make decisions. To be able to advocate for yourself as a reasonable person, there must be some base consciousness that directly influences your decision making process. This constituency of our personality that allows us to analyse reality and make sound decisions is regarded by Freud as the ego. The ego is the second of three elements of our personality.   Unlike the id which I discussed previously   the ego is conscious, meaning it is in a state of awareness and responds to physical surroundings. Now, we’re all familiar with  the  little term “ego”. Everybody has subjective experience of it’s existence. We all know of the existence of some common sense. The phenomenon of having common sense is derived off the assumption that one has good judgement and is able to make decisions in a practical and sensible manner. That is what the ego is, common sense. The ego is a sense of reasoning that strik

Unpacking personality: The id

Personality development I saw it fit that I explore and understand this concept because personality is a fundamental basis of the self. Scrutinizing how this phenomenon arises and evolves could be a great step towards understanding myself and others more. An interesting theory about how we develop our personality is rooted in the existence of a region of psychic energy in the brain that seeks pleasure and instant gratification. Sigmund Freud proposed in his theories of Psychosexual and Personality development that this unconscious psychic state controls our urges. He conceptualized this part of the brain as the id. The id as mentioned above, is a primitive constituent of personality. It is described as primitive because of the nature of it’s functioning. The id is said to represent our primal instincts and drives such as hunger, thirst and sexual impulses which are all fundamental to our survival as humans. The id acts beyond our control and influences our behaviour to act such that th

Self-knowledge is a Quest

  The journey you take with intent to know yourself might just be the most complex one of them all. I say this because of the absence of a linear progression of the activities that affect pysche and build personality. As more events occur that subject my perception to different emotions and reactions, self-observation has allowed me to recognize behavioural patterns which I can attribute to my character. In the same sphere of observation a new discovery of my character lurks. The usual recognition of patterns in my behaviour is an affirmation for the person I can boldly say I am.  For example, when I say I am a confident person it is a mental progression and build up of observations of the way I have reacted in situations that have summoned my confidence and it showed up. I mentioned earlier that this is not linear. An instance that would require me to show up confident could arise and I act in contrast. Now, in that moment of my reluctance a contradiction of what I have established my

Dear Diary,

I’ll speak for myself to say my intellect  is haunted by many monsters that I battle with on a regular basis. From intrusive thoughts to self-sabotage and sometimes the inability to carry out responsibilities that are meant for my improvement.   I always regard these shortfalls as areas in my life that demand my attention and I grant myself leniency considering the fact that I’m just at the beginning of my uprising.   I am confronted at times by the fear of being misunderstood and this inflicts a sense of reluctance to expose my thoughts and experiences to a world that is always ready to ridicule. Either ways I am steadfast in the exposure of my internal monologue through this platform and this is one of the times I feel I carried out the main purpose of my brainchild. This text is an attempt to inspire confidence in the expression of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Sometimes an exaggeration of the extent of judgement and scrutiny that might fall on us when we express ourselves c

I always preach the Gospel of Reflection, here's why.

The accumulation of days and time that I have spent living my life breeds an imperative need for moments where I just stop and look back at my experiences. In an effort to determine the reason why things might have turned out the way they did or maybe why I never got to the point I thought I would’ve been at during a certain time, I find that reflecting always strikes me with some sort of a silver lining. By this I mean that when I look back on my life’s past events I get to subjectively understand the results of my actions, decisions and tendencies.  Fixating on what has passed could unleash a deep dark black-hole that pulls you into a world of endless questioning and what ifs or it could catapult you into a sphere of innate understanding of actions and consequences and how these shape the path you are walking on. The best decisions in multiple professional disciplines are made from the collection and analysis of existing statistics and data. So, looking back and picking up patterns a

Stress, you sly little monster.

  On your journey of personal growth and development, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with some of the emotions that may cause potential harm or tension to your mental wellness. Understanding negative emotions is a progressive step towards their prevention and the ultimate promotion of a dominant positive mental environment. After all having a general positive outlook in life is not exemption from experiencing adversities, but rather a way of dealing with them such that they become an addition to your growth as an individual.   Many a times we’ll find ourselves in a state of affairs that blows whispers of worry and echoes unease in the chambers of our mind. Such situations could be stemming from changes in our lives like moving to an entirely new environment, an intense pressure from deadlines and heavy workloads or relationship issues and financial troubles. All such events induce stress, which is a prevailing response to related adversities. When our bodies detect bad situation

How do affirmations transform us?

I've previously discussed the important role our thoughts play in shaping our reality. The things we think to ourselves on a regular basis constitute our behaviours and actions. Understanding this is crucial to the realization of the significance of a mindset. A mindset is the well from which all our actions flow. Building and sustaining a positive mindset creates a fertile environment for growth and self development. It is from the presence a positive mindset that we can act definitely towards reaching and achieving our goals and desires. One way that has allowed me to actively apply this ideology to my everyday life is the use of affirmations. Affirmations are statements that serve as little agents of transformation. They have a remarkable ability to forge in our minds a state that can fuel confidence and determination. Saying to yourself everyday that, “I am confident” can go a long way. By repetition this simple statement can subject the subconscious mind to a new default that