To be one with the rhythm of integration.

Most things are made of different parts. Until these parts come together and become whole, there isn’t really an emergence of oneness. To become and feel whole as an individual, I think there is a need for the different parts of our lives and selves to integrate. There must be some rhythm, that all these parts dance to that unites them to function as one. Therein lies the importance of integration in our lives.

Something about being whole takes away the chaos of a disastrous life. Existing with multiple aspects of yourself scattered in different directions is no good. There is a need to bring together all the different parts of our brain, the parts that make up who we are. This is what integration entails.  

Integration appears in various areas of our daily lives, demonstrating how we blend different aspects of ourselves and our experiences to create a balance. For instance, achieving a work-life balance by setting boundaries between professional responsibilities and personal time, ensuring neither overshadows the other. In relationships, integration manifests through balancing various roles, such as partner, family, and friend, by nurturing each role effectively and maintaining communication. This balance ensures that each relationship is valued and that responsibilities and support are shared. These examples illustrate how integration is a vital component of creating a whole and balanced life.

I recognized the importance of this concept through my analysis of how most things around me are functioning as an integration. Education systems train our brain to integrate information from different subjects. Integrating my understanding of different pieces of information as a scholar is a crucial point of my growth. This is my rationale for pondering over the existence of integration and how it can be a source of some wisdom for me.

Praying for the ability to integrate was an opportunity to tap into a new domain in my mind, that synchronizes different layers of information into a functional unit. It appeals to me as a powerful mastery. One that I can apply not only in a professional field but in my wellness as well. To integrate my awareness, emotions, spirituality, physicality and mentality. This will bring about the germination of entirety; being whole and one. One with the rhythm of integration.




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