Just breathe!

Thoughts can become overwhelming. The thinking mind bears resemblance to the motion of waves endlessly forming in the ocean and crashing out against the seashore. Wired to be in a loop of thoughts, the mind’s natural form is a state of perpetual thinking with an influx of thoughts rushing in and out every second of our waking lives. Due to this, there arises a high value to inner peace and calmness. 

The good news is the mind is not a prison. There are ways to step outside this vortex of thoughts and find relief from constant mental exertion. Through practicing mindfulness, you can transform your relationship with your thoughts and regain clarity. There is a simple yet immense activity that, when paired with mindfulness, might just become your personal superpower for calm and focus. BREATHING!

The breath is the most basic act of sustaining life, with it’s physiological significance of delivering oxygen to the cells in our body. Without it, life ceases. Since breathing is an involuntary action, we almost always just let it happen without paying much attention to it. But what if we stopped to pay attention to this natural, rhythmic process? What if we allowed the breath to become more than just an unconscious act of survival?

Intentionally focusing on breathing provides it’s transformation into a tool for calming the mind and relieving mental exertion. When practised mindfully, breathing is an anchor to the present moment. This draws us away from the multitudes of thoughts and brings us closer to a much more still and calm state of mind. Turns out those breathing exercises aren’t just good for improving the capacity of your lungs, they are your pal for wellness and a vehicle to inner peace. Best believe it! 

Go ahead and give yourself the time to focus on each breath, as you inhale and exhale. Take a deep breath, let it flow, and allow this natural rhythm to remind you of the peace and power that already exist within you. Just breathe, and let that be your daily gift to yourself.


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