Stress, you sly little monster.


On your journey of personal growth and development, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with some of the emotions that may cause potential harm or tension to your mental wellness. Understanding negative emotions is a progressive step towards their prevention and the ultimate promotion of a dominant positive mental environment. After all having a general positive outlook in life is not exemption from experiencing adversities, but rather a way of dealing with them such that they become an addition to your growth as an individual.

 Many a times we’ll find ourselves in a state of affairs that blows whispers of worry and echoes unease in the chambers of our mind. Such situations could be stemming from changes in our lives like moving to an entirely new environment, an intense pressure from deadlines and heavy workloads or relationship issues and financial troubles. All such events induce stress, which is a prevailing response to related adversities. When our bodies detect bad situations as a potential threat the resultant response is stress.

 Stress can manifest itself in a number of different ways, a master of disguise dare I say. Emotional indications like anxiety and feeling overwhelmed, cognitive irregularities like having trouble concentrating, being forgetful and negative thinking patterns are but a few ways in which stress presents itself. When left unconfronted stress can lead to the avoidance of tasks and responsibilities and a consequent lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. All these displays of stress make us susceptible to behavioral and lifestyle changes as well, which could ultimately taint our progress as growing individuals.

 Now, how can we conquer this sly little monster? The first step towards alleviating stress is tracing down it’s trigger. Finding the root cause of your stress allows for the determination of practical ways for its eradication. Cases of stress that are induced by a high influx of tasks can be regulated by implementing time management and organization strategies. It’s easier to complete a handful of tasks if you break them down into manageable bits. Emotional stress can be tuned out by finding an outlet like journalling or having a conversation with someone that supports and understands you. Physical activities such as exercise and taking regular walks also help to bring mental clarity.

 Triumph over stress can be achieved, leading to significantly positive life perspective. Overall, stress is manageable and taking measures to prevent and regualte it are a stepping stone towards the betterment of our life experience.



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