How do affirmations transform us?

I've previously discussed the important role our thoughts play in shaping our reality. The things we think to ourselves on a regular basis constitute our behaviours and actions. Understanding this is crucial to the realization of the significance of a mindset. A mindset is the well from which all our actions flow. Building and sustaining a positive mindset creates a fertile environment for growth and self development. It is from the presence a positive mindset that we can act definitely towards reaching and achieving our goals and desires.

One way that has allowed me to actively apply this ideology to my everyday life is the use of affirmations. Affirmations are statements that serve as little agents of transformation. They have a remarkable ability to forge in our minds a state that can fuel confidence and determination. Saying to yourself everyday that, “I am confident” can go a long way. By repetition this simple statement can subject the subconscious mind to a new default that challenges negative self-talk.

Internalizing a positive self-image through the use of affirmations reflects the power of thought. Repeating positive affirmations is effective in reinforcing positive beliefs and aligning your thoughts with a desired outcome. Through repetition of positive statements, the Reticular Activating System, a part of our brain that is responsible for filtering information and focusing our attention starts prioritising our affirmations. In this way, your brain will filter out negative information and will start to focus on and find evidence of the affirmations in your life. Continued use of positive affirmations will impart them into your belief system.

In layman’s terms, saying affirmations on a regular basis will allow you to think yourself into whatever you desire. The more you repeat a statement with intent and belief, your actions will follow suit. With some patience and consistency your affirmations soon become your reality.


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