My thoughts about thoughts

We spend every moment of our waking lives with our minds raided by a constant motion of thoughts. It's always one thought after the other. Seamlessly, our thoughts intergrate into every single thing we do. I've been wrecking my brain the past few days trying to figure out a way to convey the present condition of my understanding of the value that lies in our thoughts. I imagine my mind to be a field, with all my thoughts as seeds of limitless possibilities. Every idea I've had, including the initiation of this blog, has it's foundation on a single thought which I consciously acted upon and implemented into something that is now a part of the real world. Thoughts are a fundamental basis of our existence and they influence our emotions and reactions. Everything we think about leaves an imprint in our mind which subtly carves out behaviours, habits, characteristics and actions that define the person we are and our perception of the world.

We are simultaneously living in two worlds. An inner world consisting of all our thoughts and mental images and an outer world which we interact with through our physical bodies. In a similar context, quantum physics suggests that the energy which makes up the entire universe exists in two forms. It exists as particles, which encompass the physical world we live in and are the architects of all tangible matter including our very own bodies and as waves which contrastingly formulate sounds, thoughts and images that we depict in our minds, among other things. As humans we possess both energy states, an inner wave energy based life that is within a particle body. Now, the interaction between these two worlds creates what we perceive in our minds as reality. The body collects environmental stimuli through touching, seeing, smelling, tasting and hearing and transmits these to the brain, which functions as a means of translation. The brain creates the images and interpretations that define our reality, not by physically indulging with the world but rather creating replicas of the external world through mental processes. 

In layman's terms, our entire reality originates and lives within our minds, created by the brain. This speaks to the notion that the world is a reflection of who you are because it exists inside your mind. We have the ability to conscioiusly alter the brain to create a favourable reality by thinking deliberate thoughts. I achieve this by repeating my desired thoughts as a daily practise. In due course these thoughts embed into my subconcious mind and I naturally begin to act and view the world in accordance with the thoughts. This is something I'm actively observing. Repeating positive affirmations is but one of many ways to create a desired reality. Change your thoughts, and your reality will change.


enzo.xxiv said…
Bringing forth the concept of reality being subjective is crazy to think about. Nevertheless still, it is informative subscribing yourself to what you believe is what your reality is. Loved it.
Yeah it's pretty crazy to think about. No one experiences the exact same reality as the next person, or any other person. We each have our own interpretation and that stems from the way we think. So you're the master.

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